CSC 101 Assignment 2024 (Flowchart)

CSC 101 Assignment 2024 (Flowchart)

Assignment Questions

CSC 101 Assignment 2024 (Flowchart)

1.list and explain all the flow chart symbols.
2.Given that Nneka is pregnant and Will soon deliver ,draw a flow chart that will give nneoma if the child is a girl and chika if it’s a boy .
3.Given that Barcelona and real Madrid will be playing, draw a flow chart that will display real Madrid as the winner if Benzema plays and play position 9 or if Barcelona wins if Neymar plays and play position 7.

If you don’t understand it please chat me up with the WhatsApp button for explanation.

CSC 101 Assignment 2024 (Flowchart) Solution

1. Flowchart for Nneka’s Delivery:

Basic Symbols:

  • Process (Rectangle): Represents a single action or step in the process.
  • Decision (Diamond): Represents a point where a decision needs to be made, usually with two or more outgoing arrows labeled with the possible outcomes (e.g., Yes/No, True/False).
  • Terminator (Oval): Represents the start or end of the flowchart, often labeled “Start” or “End.”
  • Connector (Circle): Used to connect separate parts of the flowchart on the same page.
  • Off-page Connector (Rectangle with a page number): Used to connect separate parts of the flowchart across different pages.

Data Symbols:

  • Input/Output (Parallelogram): Represents data entering or leaving the process.
  • Data (Rounded Rectangle): Represents data stored or used within the process.

Other Symbols:

  • Comment (Cloud): Used to add notes or explanations to specific parts of the flowchart.
  • Predefined Process (Hexagon): Represents a complex sub-process that can be detailed in another flowchart.

Note: Different standards and software might use slight variations of these symbols.

2. Flowchart for Nneka’s Delivery:

|       Start        |
|      Delivery      |
|     Is it a girl?  |
       |    / \
       v   v
+-------------------+  +-------------------+
|    Congratulate    |  |    Congratulate    |
|        Nneka!      |  |        Chika!       |
+-------------------+  +-------------------+
|       End         |

3. Flowchart for Barcelona vs. Real Madrid:

|     Match Starts    |
|    Benzema plays?  |
       |    / \
       v   v
+-------------------+  +-------------------+
|     Position 9?    |  |   Barcelona wins   |
+-------------------+  +-------------------+
       |    / \
       v   v
+-------------------+  +-------------------+
|   Real Madrid wins|  |   Real Madrid wins|
+-------------------+  +-------------------+
|      Match Ends    |

Remember, these are just basic examples. Flowcharts can be adapted and expanded to represent various processes and scenarios depending on your needs.

If you don’t understand it please chat me up with the WhatsApp button for explanation.

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