PPL 427 Assignment Questions and Answers

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Environmental law 1 Assignment Solved by Studentsdash

Assignment Questions
This Environmental Law assignment is to be submitted this week Wednesday (5th February 2025).
Discuss exhaustively on the era of turning point in the development of Nigerian Environmental Law, highlighting the policies, conferences, symposium and other relevant events that culminated to the development of Environmental Law in Nigeria. (This question bothers on the awareness stage)


The Era of Turning Point in the Development of Nigerian Environmental Law

The era of the turning point in the development of Nigerian Environmental Law can be traced to the awareness stage, which was a time when the importance of environmental protection started to gain significant recognition in Nigeria. This awareness grew due to increasing environmental degradation, which affected both the health of the population and the sustainability of natural resources. The turning point is marked by various policies, conferences, symposiums, and events that helped shape the legal framework for environmental protection in Nigeria.


One of the key policies that played a major role in the turning point was the National Policy on Environment introduced in 1989. This policy highlighted the need for coordinated efforts in addressing environmental issues, such as deforestation, pollution, and desertification. It also stressed the importance of sustainable development and environmental conservation. This policy was a major milestone as it set the tone for subsequent laws and regulations related to environmental protection.

Conferences and Symposiums:

Nigeria’s involvement in international environmental conferences marked another significant moment in the awareness stage. The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held in Stockholm in 1972, was a major event that laid the foundation for global environmental awareness. This conference was crucial in setting the global agenda for environmental law. Nigeria’s participation in this conference made it clear that environmental issues were becoming increasingly important. Furthermore, Nigeria’s attendance at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (also known as the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development – UNCED) also marked a significant event in the country’s environmental law development. This summit emphasized the need for nations to integrate environmental protection into development plans, which further influenced Nigerian environmental policy and law.

Key Legal Developments:

The awareness phase also led to the introduction of laws that reflected Nigeria’s commitment to protecting the environment. The National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA), established in 2007, became an important body for enforcing environmental laws and regulations in Nigeria. Similarly, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Act, passed in 1992, required developers to assess and mitigate potential environmental impacts before carrying out projects. These legal frameworks were critical in the awareness stage, signaling the country’s readiness to take legal action against environmental degradation.


In conclusion, the turning point in the development of Nigerian Environmental Law is characterized by a shift towards greater environmental awareness in the late 20th century. This shift was facilitated by key events, including international conferences, national policies, and the creation of legal frameworks that prioritized environmental protection. These events were not just important milestones for the country but also positioned Nigeria as an active participant in the global environmental movement. The awareness phase helped pave the way for more stringent environmental laws and regulations in the future.

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