BIO 355 Assignment Question and Answers

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Assignment Update on Bio 355 Solved by Studentsdash

  1. Summarize everything on Macro propagation in one page and summit in this website –


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Macropropagation is a practical and efficient method for rapidly multiplying plantain suckers, especially in regions where food security and poverty reduction are critical. This technique helps eliminate sucker-transmitted pests and diseases while increasing the availability of planting materials for large-scale plantain cultivation. Macropropagation involves extracting and preparing suckers from selected plantain genotypes by peeling off the roots and pseudostems to expose the meristem. The exposed meristem is then sterilized using a solution of Jik and water to remove pathogens and ensure healthy plantlet growth. After sterilization, the corms are placed in a sterilized substrate within a propagator, which provides a controlled environment for the initiation of plantlet growth.

The acclimatization stage is crucial in macropropagation, as plantlets must adapt to their new environment after being detached from the propagator. Three types of substrates were tested for acclimatization: topsoil (TS), cow dung-enriched soil (CT), and poultry droppings-enriched soil (PT). The survival rates of plantlets varied significantly across the substrates. Cow dung-enriched soil (CT) proved to be the most effective, with high survival and healthy growth rates across different plantain genotypes such as ‘Nble Paul,’ ‘Atagafong,’ and ‘Owom.’ For instance, in ‘Nble Paul,’ 89% of plantlets survived in CT, while 78% survived in ‘Atagafong’ and ‘Owom.’

In contrast, substrates with poultry droppings (PT) had a 100% mortality rate within two weeks due to its high nitrogen content and slightly basic pH, which are unfavorable for plantain growth. Topsoil (TS), serving as the control, supported moderate survival rates, but it was less effective compared to cow dung. For example, in TS, 56% of ‘Nble Paul,’ 33% of ‘Atagafong,’ and 44% of ‘Owom’ survived. While these results indicate that TS can support plantlet growth, its performance was not as consistent or as strong as cow dung-enriched soil.

The study concluded that cow dung is the most suitable substrate for the acclimatization of plantain plantlets, as it provides an optimal pH, nutrient balance, and water-holding capacity for healthy growth. This makes cow dung an excellent choice for both commercial and subsistence farming. However, the findings also highlighted the need for further research into optimizing poultry droppings as a substrate, as its high nitrogen levels currently make it unsuitable for plantain macropropagation. This research underscores the importance of selecting appropriate substrates to ensure the successful propagation and acclimatization of plantains, contributing to sustainable food production and economic development.

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