PAD 115 Assignment Question and Answers

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  1. Trace the constitutional development of Nigeria from Frederick Lugard administration to 1999 period


The constitutional development of Nigeria from Frederick Lugard’s administration to 1999 happened in different stages. Here’s how it went:

1. Frederick Lugard’s Administration (1914 – 1919)

• In 1914, Lord Lugard merged the Northern and Southern Protectorates to form one Nigeria.

• He introduced the Clifford Constitution in 1922, which allowed limited elections in Lagos and Calabar and created a Legislative Council, but only for the South.

2. The Richard’s Constitution (1946)

• Governor Arthur Richards introduced a new constitution in 1946.

• It divided Nigeria into three regions: North, West, and East.

• It also allowed more Nigerian representation in government but still kept power with the British.

3. The Macpherson Constitution (1951)

• This constitution gave more political participation to Nigerians.

• It introduced a federal system with regional legislatures in the North, West, and East.

4. The Lyttleton Constitution (1954)

• This constitution made Nigeria a true federation by giving more power to the regions.

• Each region had its own Premier and government.

• This was an important step toward independence.

5. The Independence Constitution (1960)

• Nigeria became independent on October 1, 1960.

• The Queen of England was still the head of state, represented by the Governor-General.

6. The Republican Constitution (1963)

• Nigeria became a republic and removed the Queen as head of state.

• A President (Nnamdi Azikiwe) replaced the Governor-General.

7. The Military Era and 1979 Constitution

• The military took over in 1966, suspending the constitution.

• In 1979, a new constitution introduced the Presidential system, like in the USA.

• It removed the parliamentary system and created a President, Senate, and House of Representatives.

8. The 1999 Constitution (Democracy Restored)

• After years of military rule, Nigeria returned to democracy in 1999.

• This constitution is still in use today.

• It maintains the presidential system with executive, legislative, and judicial arms.

This is how Nigeria’s constitution developed from Lugard’s time to 1999.


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