AGR 101 Assignment Question and Answers

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Discuss EXTENSIVELY 2 management systems in poultry production


Assignment on AGR 101

Two Management Systems in Poultry Production

Poultry production can be managed using different systems depending on factors like space, capital, and purpose of production. Two major management systems in poultry farming are the Intensive System and the Extensive System.

1. Intensive System

This is a modern and highly controlled system where birds are kept in a confined space and given proper care to maximize production. It is mainly used in commercial poultry farms. The intensive system is divided into two types:

• Battery Cage System:

• Birds are kept in metal or plastic cages with feeding and watering systems.

• It reduces feed wastage, prevents egg damage, and increases egg production.

• However, it is costly to set up and may lead to stress in birds due to confinement.

• Deep Litter System:

• Birds are kept in a well-ventilated house with wood shavings or sawdust on the floor.

• It allows birds to move freely, promotes natural behavior, and reduces stress.

• However, it requires regular cleaning to prevent diseases.

Advantages of the Intensive System:

✔ High productivity and better management of birds.

✔ Proper monitoring of feed intake and health.

✔ Suitable for large-scale production.


✖ High cost of setup and maintenance.

✖ Disease can spread easily due to overcrowding.

2. Extensive System

In this system, birds are allowed to roam freely in an open space. It is commonly practiced in rural areas and backyard poultry farming. The birds search for their own food, such as insects, grains, and grasses.

• Free-Range System:

• Birds move around during the day and are kept in shelters at night.

• It promotes natural growth and reduces feed cost.

• Pastured Poultry System:

• Birds are moved to fresh pastures regularly.

• It improves soil fertility as birds drop manure on the land.

Advantages of the Extensive System:

✔ Low cost since birds feed on natural resources.

✔ Birds have better immunity due to exposure to the natural environment.

✔ More humane and ethical compared to intensive confinement.


✖ Low productivity compared to intensive farming.

✖ Birds are at risk of predators and theft.

✖ Difficult to monitor diseases and growth rate.


Both management systems have their benefits and challenges. The intensive system is best for commercial production, while the extensive system is more sustainable and cost-effective for small-scale farmers. The choice of system depends on available resources, production goals, and management capacity.

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