MAN 102 Past Questions and Answers

Solutions to Man 102 Past Questions

1. (a) Define collective bargaining (5 marks).

Collective bargaining is the process through which employers and employees (often represented by a union) negotiate the terms and conditions of employment. These negotiations can cover a wide range of issues, including wages, working hours, benefits, and other workplace policies. The outcome is usually an agreement that governs the employer-employee relationship.

1. (b) State the effect of industrial disputes in an organization (10 marks).

Industrial disputes refer to conflicts between employers and employees (or their representatives) over employment conditions. The effects of industrial disputes in an organization can include:

  1. Work Stoppages: Strikes or lockouts can disrupt production, leading to a temporary halt in operations.
  2. Loss of Revenue: When production stops, the organization loses potential sales and revenue.
  3. Damage to Employer-Employee Relations: Disputes can damage the relationship between employers and employees, leading to a loss of trust and cooperation.
  4. Decline in Productivity: Even if work continues, disputes can lead to low employee morale, which may result in reduced productivity.
  5. Negative Public Image: Prolonged disputes may tarnish the organization’s public image, especially if the media covers the conflict.
  6. Legal Costs: Disputes can involve legal proceedings, which add to the organization’s costs.
  7. Loss of Customer Confidence: If a dispute results in delays or failure to meet customer expectations, it may lead to a loss of customer loyalty.
  8. Increased Costs: The organization might incur extra costs in resolving the dispute, such as hiring replacement workers or paying for mediation services.
  9. High Employee Turnover: Prolonged disputes can make employees dissatisfied, leading to higher staff turnover.
  10. Changes in Employment Contracts: Sometimes, industrial disputes can lead to renegotiated terms that may be less favorable for the organization.

2. (a) Outline the objectives of a trade union (5 marks).

The main objectives of a trade union include:

  1. Protecting Employees’ Rights: Ensuring fair treatment and compliance with labor laws.
  2. Improving Working Conditions: Advocating for better workplace safety, working hours, and conditions.
  3. Securing Higher Wages and Benefits: Negotiating better pay, bonuses, healthcare, and other benefits for members.
  4. Promoting Job Security: Ensuring that employees are not arbitrarily dismissed and that there are provisions for job security.
  5. Promoting Collective Interests: Representing workers’ interests in discussions with management and in the political arena to promote labor-friendly policies.

2. (b) Discuss ways the federal government assists businesses in Nigeria (12.5 marks).

The federal government assists businesses in Nigeria through the following methods:

  1. Provision of Loans and Grants: Institutions like the Bank of Industry (BOI) and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) offer loans to businesses at lower interest rates.
  2. Tax Incentives: The government offers tax holidays, reductions, and rebates to encourage businesses to grow and attract foreign investment.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The government provides essential infrastructure like roads, electricity, and water to reduce operational costs for businesses.
  4. Regulatory Support: Various policies and regulations protect businesses, such as intellectual property rights and the ease of registering a business.
  5. Training and Capacity Building: Government agencies like SMEDAN provide training and support to improve business management skills.
  6. Export Promotion: The government, through agencies like NEPC (Nigerian Export Promotion Council), supports businesses in exporting their products to international markets.
  7. Creation of Special Economic Zones: Special economic zones are created to attract investment and provide businesses with favorable conditions such as tax breaks and reduced tariffs.
  8. Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): Collaborations between the government and private entities help in providing funding and operational expertise for large-scale projects.
  9. Government Procurement: The government provides opportunities for local businesses to supply goods and services to its ministries, departments, and agencies.
  10. Trade Fairs and Exhibitions: Government agencies organize or support participation in trade fairs and exhibitions to promote businesses.

3. (a) Explain the terms “Multinational” and “Corporation” (5 marks).

  • Multinational: A multinational company (MNC) operates in more than one country. It produces and sells goods and services in multiple nations, managing a global presence.
  • Corporation: A corporation is a legal entity that is separate from its owners. It has the right to own property, sue, be sued, and enter into contracts. Corporations can issue shares and be publicly traded.

3. (b) Discuss the negative impact of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) noticeable in Nigeria, particularly in the area of technology transfer (12.5 marks).

Negative impacts of MNCs in Nigeria with a focus on technology transfer include:

  1. Limited Technology Transfer: MNCs often retain control over their advanced technologies and do not fully transfer knowledge to local industries.
  2. Exploitation of Resources: MNCs may extract Nigeria’s natural resources without fully investing in local research and development.
  3. Low Job Creation in High-Tech Sectors: While MNCs may provide employment, they often create fewer high-tech jobs and import most of the sophisticated technology and expertise from abroad.
  4. Stifling Local Innovation: Dependence on foreign technology may reduce the need for local innovation, stalling the development of homegrown technological solutions.
  5. Widening Technological Gap: The presence of MNCs can increase the technological disparity between global and local firms, as local businesses struggle to compete with the MNCs’ advanced technologies.
  6. Economic Drainage: Profits from MNC activities in Nigeria are often repatriated to the parent company, limiting reinvestment in the local economy, including in technology sectors.
  7. Cultural Dominance: Technology and management practices imposed by MNCs may not align with local practices, leading to cultural and operational clashes.
  8. Environmental Degradation: MNCs, particularly in the oil and gas sectors, may cause significant environmental damage without applying the latest, cleaner technology.

4. (a) Provide definitions of Small Business Organization (5 marks).

A Small Business Organization is a privately owned enterprise, typically with a small number of employees (often fewer than 50) and low volume of sales. It usually operates on a local scale and has limited market reach and resources compared to larger companies.

4. (b) Discuss ways government assists small businesses in Nigeria (12.5 marks).

Government assistance to small businesses in Nigeria includes:

  1. Microfinance Loans: Government-backed microfinance institutions provide loans to small businesses with easier terms.
  2. Grants and Subsidies: Small businesses can access grants or subsidies that help reduce their startup and operational costs.
  3. Training Programs: Agencies like SMEDAN offer training and mentorship programs to improve management skills and operational efficiency.
  4. Tax Relief: Small businesses often enjoy tax incentives such as tax holidays and reduced rates to encourage growth.
  5. Facilitating Market Access: The government helps small businesses gain access to local and international markets through trade fairs and export promotion.
  6. Technical Support: Government agencies offer technical assistance, including business registration, access to legal advice, and intellectual property protection.
  7. Enterprise Zones: Special economic zones are designed to foster the growth of small businesses through lower taxes and improved infrastructure.
  8. Business Incubation: Business incubators supported by the government provide resources like office space, funding, and networking opportunities for startups.

5. (a) Define international business (5 marks).

International business refers to commercial transactions that occur across national borders. These activities include trade (import and export), investments, and the sale of goods and services between companies in different countries.

5. (b) Discuss two solutions to the problems facing managers of organizations in Nigeria (12.5 marks).

Two solutions to managerial problems in Nigeria are:

  1. Improved Infrastructure Development: Poor infrastructure, especially in electricity and transportation, hampers productivity. The government should invest more in reliable infrastructure, or managers can adopt alternative solutions, such as renewable energy sources (solar or wind).
  2. Adopting Modern Technology: Managers face inefficiency due to outdated technology. They should embrace digital transformation, such as using cloud computing, automation tools, and up-to-date management software, to improve business operations and competitiveness.

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