ENG 205 Assignment Questions and Answers

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ASSIGNMENT QUESTION: Write the meaning of all the punctuation marks in English and examples of how they are used each at least two examples?

Punctuation Marks in English and Their Meanings with Examples

Punctuation marks are symbols used in writing to separate sentences and their elements, making the meaning of the text clearer. Below are the major punctuation marks in English, their meanings, and examples of how they are used.

1. Full Stop (.)

Meaning: A full stop, also called a period, is used to mark the end of a declarative sentence or statement.


  1. I love reading novels.
  2. The school will resume next Monday.

2. Comma (,)

Meaning: A comma is used to indicate a pause in a sentence, separate items in a list, or introduce clauses.


  1. I bought apples, oranges, bananas, and grapes.
  2. After the meeting, we went for lunch.

3. Question Mark (?)

Meaning: A question mark is used at the end of an interrogative sentence to indicate a direct question.


  1. Where are you going?
  2. Did you complete your assignment?

4. Exclamation Mark (!)

Meaning: An exclamation mark is used to express strong emotions such as surprise, excitement, or anger.


  1. Wow! That was an amazing performance!
  2. Stop shouting!

5. Colon (:)

Meaning: A colon is used to introduce a list, explanation, or emphasis.


  1. There are three things you need: patience, hard work, and determination.
  2. The reason for my absence is simple: I was sick.

6. Semicolon (;)

Meaning: A semicolon is used to connect two closely related independent clauses without using a conjunction.


  1. I wanted to go to the market; however, it started raining.
  2. She loves swimming; he prefers football.

7. Apostrophe (’)

Meaning: An apostrophe is used to show possession or form contractions.


  1. This is John’s book. (Possession)
  2. I can’t believe it! (Contraction for “cannot”)

8. Quotation Marks (“ ” or ‘ ’)

Meaning: Quotation marks are used to indicate direct speech or quotations.


  1. She said, “I will call you later.”
  2. The teacher asked, ‘Who wrote this book?’

9. Parentheses ( )

Meaning: Parentheses are used to provide additional information or clarification.


  1. My brother (who lives in Lagos) is coming to visit.
  2. The results (as expected) were positive.

10. Hyphen (-)

Meaning: A hyphen is used to join words or separate syllables of a single word.


  1. My mother-in-law is visiting next week.
  2. Please use well-known sources for your research.

11. Dash (—)

Meaning: A dash is used to indicate a break in thought, an explanation, or extra emphasis.


  1. She finally spoke—after a long silence.
  2. I have three favorite colors—blue, red, and green.

12. Ellipsis (…)

Meaning: An ellipsis is used to indicate a pause, unfinished thought, or omitted words in a quotation.


  1. I was going to say something, but… never mind.
  2. “To be, or not to be… that is the question.”

13. Brackets [ ]

Meaning: Brackets are used for clarifications, additional information, or editorial notes.


  1. He said, “I met her in 2019 [in Abuja].”
  2. The author states, “This is the best solution [for now].”

14. Slash (/)

Meaning: A slash is used to indicate alternatives or separate elements.


  1. You can select male/female in the form.
  2. The class will take place Monday/Wednesday/Friday.

15. Asterisk (*)

Meaning: Used to indicate a footnote or highlight important text.


  1. This offer is valid until December 31, 2025.* (*Terms and conditions apply.)
  2. Please refer to section 3.4* for more details.

16. Caret (^)

Meaning: Used in proofreading to indicate where an extra letter or word should be inserted.


  1. I love read^ing books.

(This means “reading” was missing the “-ing” and should be corrected.)

17. Ampersand (&)

Meaning: Represents “and” in informal writing, company names, or branding.


  1. Johnson & Johnson is a famous company.
  2. I need to buy apples & oranges.

18. Bullet Points (•)

Meaning: Used to list items clearly.


  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Bananas

19. Underscore (_)

Meaning: Used in email addresses, usernames, or for emphasis in informal writing.


  1. My email is heis_emmy@studentsdash.com
  2. This is a very important message.


Punctuation marks are essential in writing as they help clarify meaning, indicate pauses, and structure sentences properly. Understanding how to use them correctly improves both writing and communication skills.

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