MAN 371 Assignment Question and Answers

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Man 371 Assignment Question
1. State the various Procedure in carrying out research as stated in these book and give a brief description of them

So the assignment was given after they finished their lecture on research below is the picture of the notes copied and the answer to the assignment is below 👇


Assignment Answers

Procedures for Carrying Out Research

Below are the procedures for carrying out research and their descriptions:

1. Identify Research Ideas

Before starting any research, you must first come up with a research idea. This idea can come from theories, direct observation, intuition, literature, or the internet. A good research idea is one that is relevant, interesting, and useful.

2. Go to Theory and Do a Survey

Once you have a research idea, the next step is to look at existing knowledge related to your topic. This means studying books, journals, articles, and other research works. Surveys can also be conducted to gather opinions or information from people who have knowledge about the topic.

3. Choose a Research Topic, State the Problem and Objective

After gathering background knowledge, you need to refine your research idea into a specific topic. The research problem must be clearly defined, showing why the research is important. You should also state the objective of the research—what you aim to achieve by the end of the study.

4. Develop Your Research Design

This step involves planning how the research will be carried out. You must decide on the methods you will use, such as experiments, surveys, interviews, or data analysis. The research design should be well-structured to ensure accurate and reliable results.

5. State the Research Questions

Research questions guide the entire study. These questions are developed based on the problem and objectives of the research. They help to focus the study and ensure that the right information is collected.


The research process follows a structured procedure that starts from identifying an idea to developing questions that guide the study. Each step is important in ensuring that the research is meaningful, relevant, and properly conducted.

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